Updated Articles

  1. Breakeven Chart - Percent Gain Needed to Recover Loss

    What Percent Gain is Needed to Recover Loss? One of the biggest lessons that most successful stock traders learn is to cut your losses early. As long as a position is OPEN, it's easy to convince yourself that the loss is on paper and that the stock...
  2. Investing vs. Trading

    Investing vs. Trading Overview There are two primary ways to build wealth through equity markets: 1) stock investing, 2) stock trading. While we cover some aspects of stock trading at UNEarned Inc, our preferred strategy by far is stock investing. ...
  3. Stock Market Sectors

    9 GICS Sectors The GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) Stock Market Sectors. Sectors are broad classifications of companies that describe a part of the economy. Knowing which sectors are in a BULL or BEAR cycle will help give you clues a...
  4. F.I.R.E. Blogs

    Blogs About Financial Independence, Retire Early Movement (F.I.R.E.) Mr. Money Mustache - https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/ Financial Samurai - https://www.financialsamurai.com/ Mad FIentist - https://www.madfientist.com/ Our Next Life - ...
  5. F.I.R.E. Books

    Books About Financial Independence, Retire Early Movement (F.I.R.E.) Cashing Out: Win the Wealth Game by Walking Away by Julien Saunders, Kiersten Saunders The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy by Thomas J. St...